Video doorbells are becoming more and more popular these days. A lot of people consider them to be the “gateway drug” to smart home devices, since they’re generally inexpensive and pretty easy to set up. The benefits of video doorbells are countless. Most people like them best for the security they provide, but recently we’ve been seeing video doorbells with more and more cool features. (More on those in just a bit!) With the growing frequency of package theft, people want to be able to see what’s going on at their front steps. Video doorbells allow you to keep tabs on what’s happening, as well as record footage, which can be useful in filing police reports, or helping warn fellow neighbors about package theft or other suspicious activity.

These days, when the doorbell rings and you aren’t expecting anyone, it can be stressful. If it was someone you knew, they probably just texted you when they arrived, since that’s what most people tend to do these days. So when the doorbell rings, you’re pretty sure it’s not someone you know, but now you’re faced with a dilemma: ignore the doorbell and risk missing out on something important or answer the doorbell and be stuck talking to someone for what feels like forever.

There are plenty of reasons you might actually want to open the door. It could be a girl scout, selling cookies (and that’s something you NEVER want to miss!), It could be a neighbor stopping by with a question or just to say hi, or it could even be a service appointment you scheduled and then completely forgot about. On the other hand, there are plenty of times when you definitely regret opening the door to someone. Maybe it’s a kid selling some useless fundraising item like magazines or overpriced wrapping paper, but you don’t want to feel like a jerk and not help them out, or maybe it’s someone trying to sell you some sort of service that you definitely don’t need, or maybe it’s just a sketchy looking person and you don’t even want to deal with them. Regardless of the situation, a video doorbell will help your decision on whether or not to open the door.

Besides video footage, these doorbells are coming out with more and more features that make them even more worth it. The majority of these doorbells allow you to see who is at your door regardless of where you are. Some doorbells allow two-way communication so that you can speak with who ever is there.  Higher end ones come with face recognition technology so it immediately knows if it’s someone you know. A lot of them are also available bundled with smart locks so you can control the lock on your front door from anywhere. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg!

With so many options out there, choosing a video doorbell can seem like a daunting task, but PC Mag has got your back. They recently released their best picks for video doorbells in 2019. The list has all different types of options at a variety of price ranges, so if you’re trying to find the one that’s best for you, check the article out here: eo doorb

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